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Re: Security risks with CGI

	 This is a thought-provoking observation. On the other hand, consider 
	 an analogy. People go to their local computer store and buy software 
	 packages and run them. There is nothing to prevent these packages 
	 from doing all kinds of mischief, either inetntional or not, _except_
	 the fact that the victim knows where he got the software. Doesn't this
	 line of reasoning apply to scripts too, if they're properly authentica

The problem is this:  CGI scripts *are* network servers, and have
to be written with that level of care.  (This is just as true for
VMS as for UNIX, I might add.)   And while you may know the immediate
source of your ills (though you may not; the effects could be delayed),
you don't know if that source was itself penetrated.